Skating Demo

This is a demonstration of the my original skating system used in BDC Scoring.

Input data Format
  • First line: Judge numbers are written in order, separated by spaces.
  • 2nd line: Specify categories in order by short name.
  • 3rd row and after: 1st column, number. In the second and subsequent columns, the order of each category is written in the order of the judge number. Separate each judge with a space.
  • The number of judges is specified as an odd number. An even number of judges is not supported, incorrect values will appear.
  • Sample data
    10 11 12
    4 55111 13133 14451
    68 24223 22211 21332
    172 13342 51422 33223
    332 42434 34344 42114
    340 31565 45556 56645
    348 66656 66665 65566